1. Given a linked list structure where every node represents a linked list and contains two pointers of its type:
(i) pointer to next node in the main list.
(ii) pointer to a linked list where this node is head.
Write a C function to flatten the list into a single linked list. (from here)
2. Hundred of millions of irregular shape objects are moving in random direction. Provide data structure and algo to detect collision. (from here)
3. You are given an array of integer A[1..n] and a maximum sliding window of size w. you need to output an array B where B[i] is the maximum in A[i, i+w-1]. (from here)
4. [Design] Find duplicate profiles in Facebook.
5. You have an array of 0s and 1s and you want to output all the intervals (i, j) where the number of 0s and numbers of 1s are equal. (from here)
6. You have a stream of random numbers that are inserted into an expanding array. How can you maintain the current median and what is the complexity.
7. Given n arrays, find n number such that sum of their differences is minimum. For e.g. if there are three arrays
A = {4, 10, 15, 20}
B = {1, 13, 29}
C = {5, 14, 28}
find three numbers a, b, c such that |a-b| + |b-c| + |c-a| is minimum. Here the answer is a = 15, b = 13, and c = 14
8. [Coding] Write a C/C++ program to create a bitmap of any size as determined by user. Say user says 64k bitmap, then create 64k long bitmap. Have set and unset methods.
9. Reorder 1st string based on 2nd string.
eg: (tractor,car)
output: carrtto or carrott or carrtot.
10. There is a straight roads with ‘n’ number of milestones. You are given an array with the distance between all the pairs of milestones in some random order. Find the position of milestones.
Consider a road with 4 milestones(a,b,c,d) :
a bcd
Distance between a and b = 3
Distance between a and c = 8
Distance between a and d = 10
Distance between b and c = 5
Distance between b and d = 7
Distance between c and d = 2
All the above values are given in a random order say 7, 10, 5, 2, 8, 3.
The output must be 3,5,2 or 2,5,3
11. Given a set of KEY->VALUE pairs such that each KEY is unique, describe a method of storing these pairs on disk, and a method for accessing the corresponding VALUE given a KEY. Assume that RAM is fixed at 1gb and the set of pairs requires 40gb.
12. Consider there is an array with duplicates and you are given two numbers as input and you have to return the minimum distance between the two in the array with minimum complexity.
13. You are given an array of integers, say array1 of size n. You have to create another array (say array2) and fill its contents by following this rule: array2[i] will hold the value of the left-most integer from the range array1[i+1] to array1[n-1] such that it is greater than array1[i]. If no such element exists, assign -1.
14. An external system has an array. You are given 3 inbuilt functions which perform their operation in O(1) time.
a) get(i): returns ith element of array
b) length(): returns length of array
c) reverse(i, j): reverses elements of subarray starting from i and ending with j (both inclusive)
Write function SortArray() using these three functions.
15. Given a binary tree, find 2 leaf nodes say X and Y such that F(X,Y) is maximum where F(X,Y) = sum of nodes in the path from root to X + sum of nodes in the path from root to Y – sum of nodes in the common path from root to first common ancestor of the Nodes X and Y.
16. Given an array, A, find if all elements in the sorted version of A are consecutive in less than O(nlogn).
eg: A: 5 4 1 2 3 on sorting 1 2 3 4 5 all elements are consecutive — true
A: 1 9 2 22 on sorting 1 2 9 22 all elements are NOT consecutive — false
17. Given a string (assume there no spaces or punctuations), write a code that returns the max. length of the string that has repeated more than once
18.Given a network of the employees of a company such that edges are between those employees who are friends to each other. Divide the employees into two teams such that no two people who are friends to each other are in the same team?